The Process

I like the feel of creating with physical tools as opposed to a keyboard.

 I’m impatient with the process and am more interested in the results. Hence some of my work may make you think “My kid could have done that.” Maybe. Maybe I’m just a kid at heart! I don’t care, because I do these things basically for my enjoyment. If anybody likes them enough to buy some products, bonus!

Ive been doodling since college, and probably since before since I always spent more time in school daydreaming and doodling than listening to the teacher. Nothing from before college survives, but I still have some of those notebooks, festooned with doodles. During the mid seventies I had a boring desk job, with a desk pad provided which had rip off pages. They also supplied free magic markers and a copy machine. I killed time by making drawings, coloring and copying them. The colors supplied were black, red and blue. I still have many of those and have used some in my store as “50 years ago”.

My process involves making up rules, then following them, and letting the forms grow organically. I use rulers and drafting tools, because my hands, damaged from 40 years of manual labor, are too shaky for free hand. This is why I don’t always color inside the lines! The process is good therapy for my aging hands and brain (BD 1/1/1943)!

I do use prints of photos I have taken (exclusively) as backgrounds and fillers. But all cutting and pasting is done with scissors and paste.

I do hope my work finds an appreciative audience. But whether it does or not, I’ll keep creating!